ອຈ.ປທ. ທະນູໄຊ ວໍລະວົງ



Curriculum Vitae


  1. General Information
  • Name: Thanouxay VOLAVONG
  • Address: Chomphet tai Village, Sisattanak District, Vientiane Capital.
  • Office address: Dongdok Campus, PO box 7322. The Faculty of Economics and Business Management (FEB), National University of Laos.
  • E-mail address: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  • Phone: +856-20-77995568
  1. Education:
  • 2014, Vientiane College, Vientiane, Lao PDR Diploma of General English
  • 2012 attained a Master’s Degree in international Economics certificate with Honor (4.00), at the Faculty of Economics and Business Management, National University of Laos, Vientiane Capital, Laos.
  • 2006 Lao-Japan Centre, Vientiane, Lao PDR, Certificate of Japanese Language level 3 (intermediate level)
  • 2005, attained a Bachelor’s in General Economics, at the Faculty of Economics and Business Management, National University of Laos, Vientiane Capital, Laos.
  • 2003 Faculty of Engineering and Architecture, Vientiane, Lao PDR. Diploma of English
  1. Teaching Courses:
  • Statistics for Commerce and Investment (Bachelor’s program)
  • Principle of Economics (Bachelor’s program)
  • Microeconomics (Bachelor’s program)
  • Macroeconomics (Bachelor’s program)
  • Econometric (Bachelor’s program)
  • E-commerce (Master’s program)
  • Research Methodology (Master’s program)
  1. Selected Publications:
  • The Linking between trade and poverty reduction. Case study in Lao PDR
  • Factors Affecting Export and Import Trade Partners (Mekong Institute Research Working Paper Series 2012, No.5/2012)
  • Do social protection programs help the poor during trade liberalization? Evidence from Laos (MERN, 2013), Co-research.
  • Analyze the factors determining the room’s price by Hedonic pricing model
    Case study: Vientiane Capital.
  • Study on The Survival Rate of Enterprises that Managed by Vientiane Capital
  • Google Scholar URL: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=E8nMgusAAAAJ&hl=en&oi=ao
  1. International Conferences:
  • Introduction to trade Policy and the WTO (Organized by National Economics Research Institute and the APEC Economic Integration Program) 24 – 28 October
  • Mekong Economic Research Network the 1st Networking Workshop (Organized by Mekong Economic Research Network (MERN)). March 3-9, 2013
  • Mekong Economic Research Network the 1st Networking Workshop (Organized by Mekong Economic Research Network (MERN)). August 18-24, 2013
  • E-commerce and trade: opportunity and challenges
  • Economic Development and Trade facility
  • ESCAP-UNEP-UNCTAD Course on Climate-smart Trade and Investment for Sustainable Development
  • 10 th Asia-Pacific Trade Facilitation Forum,
  • Conference on Technology Transfer and the Progress of Modern IP.
  • Lao Quality for Trade Platform
  • Big Data Analysis
  • ARTNeT Workshop on Automating Text Analysis using R: Applications to Trade Agreements and Non-Tariff Measure
  • International Trade Global Value Chains and Development
  1. Trainings and Workshops:
  • Training Coursed of CGE Modeling (Organized by Graduate School of Management, Kyoto University, Japan and FEBM) 27-29 November
  • Training Program on Research Methodology (Organized by Mekong Institute, Khon Kaen, Thailand) 2-29 February
  • Institution for Knowledge Intensive Development (IKID) Project in Estonia, Europe. 02/2017-02/2018
  • International Youth Leaders (Organized by China Guangxi International Youth Exchange Institute) 04/32014 to 26/4/2015
  • Digitalizing Certificates of Origin - Trends and Challenges for Advancing Paperless Trade
  • Digital Mobile Apps facilitating cross border paperless trade, UNESCAP
  1. Language and Computing Skills:
  • Lao: Mother tongue
  • English: Good
  • Japanese: Fair
  • Microsoft offices, SPSS Program, STATA Program, E-Views and Internet based services.

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