ຮສ.ປອ. ປີຍະ ວົງພິດ




1Proposed Position

National Consultant


2. Name of Institute

Faculty of Economic and Business Management, National University of Laos

3. Name and position

Associate Professor Piya WONGPIT, PhD

Head of Finance and Banking Department 

4. Date of Birth

23 October 1979

5. Personal contact details

225 Unit 12, Saphang Mo Village, Saysettha District, Vientiane Capital, Lao PDR, Tel:  +85620 58723777, E mail: p.wongpit@nuol.edu.la   yasahoy@hotmail.com

6. Education

Philosophy Doctoral in Economic in 2014 from Kobe University, Kobe, Japan 

Master in Economics in 2006 from Kobe University, Kobe, Japan 

First class honor of BBA in Finance in 2002 from The University of the Thai Chamber of Commerce (UTCC), Bangkok, Thailand

7Membership in Professional Associations

Board Member, Policy Think Tank, National Agriculture and Forestry Research Institute (NAFRI), 2015-Present

8. Others

  1. Capacity Building on Research Methodology, organized by Mekong Institute, KhoneKaen, Thailand, 2 May -1 June 2007.
  2.  Workshop on Gravity Modeling, organized by ARTNet, Borgor, Indonesia, 23-27 August 2010.
  3. DIES ProGRANT Proposal Writing for Research Grant, organized by DAAD, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, 26-30 January, 2015.
  4. Training on Labor Projection, organized by ADB, Vientiane Capital, Lao PDR, 23-24 February, 2015.
  5. Training on CGE model, organized by ADB, Vientiane Capital, Lao PDR, 4-5 April 2015
  6. Training on Introduction to General Equilibrium Modeling using Run GTAP, organized by ARTNet, Thailand, 2-4 December 2015.
  7. Training on Research Methodology and Value Chain Analysis, Vientiane Capital, supported by CIRAD, 9 November, 2016
  8.  Research Fellow at Lausanne University, Switzerland, July to December, 2017
  9. Training on Non-Tariff Measures: economic assessment and policy option for development, organized by ARTNeT, Thailand, 3-6 July 2018.
  10. Provide training to staff of Bank of Laos on feasibility study, Vientiane Capital, 18-19 July 2018.
  11. Online course on Non-Tariff Measure and Data Collection 2019, UNTAD, 2019
  12. Provide a training for staffs of the Ministry of Plaining and Investment on Feasibility Study, January -February, 2019, Vientiane Capital.
  13. Provide a training on for district authorities and farmers on Business plan at Xanakham District, Vientiane province, 14-16 May 2019
  14. Supporting training for staff of the Ministry of Industry and Commerce on Trade Policy Modelling ”  at MOIC, 12 July-27 August 2021
  15. Supporting training for staff of the Ministry of Industry and Commerce on Advanced Training on Excelat MOIC, 13-17 December 2021


Level of Proficiency (Mother Tongue, Excellent, Good, Fair, Poor)






Mother Tongue









10. Employment Record

From (Year):


To (Year):



Faculty of Economic and Business Management, National University of Laos

Positions Held:


From (Year):





Faculty of Economic and Business Management, National University of Laos

Positions Held:

Head of Finance and Banking Department


Academics works such as program and curriculum design

Teaching 4 subjects: Research method, Public Finance, International Finance, Security Analysis, Financial Econometric and Derivatives

11. Software Skills

























12. Research and project experiences

12.1 Name of project: A livelihood of tobacco farmers and smoker in Lao PDR

Year: August 2007-June 2008

Location: Vientiane, Luang Prabang, Champasack province, Lao PDR

Client: Southeast Asia Tobacco Control Alliance

Main project features:  to study the income of tobacco farmers and compare with ASEAN member countries and to find alternative farm activities for tobacco farmers

Positions held: Team member 

Activities performed: assisted team leader to develop a project proposal, collected data, and analyzed and reported results.

12.2 Name of project: National revenue loss from illicit tobacco trade in Lao PDR

Year: August 2008-June 2009

Location: Vientiane, Lao PDR

Client: Southeast Asia Tobacco Control Alliance

Main project features:  to estimate loss of governments revenue on illicit trade of tobacco

Positions held: Research Assistant

Activities performed: assisted team leader to develop a project proposal, collected data, and analyzed and reported results.

12.3 Name of project: Trade Facilitation in the Lao Peoples Democratic Republic: An analysis of times, costs and documents required for garment and coffee export through Thailand and Vietnam

Year: June 2010- May 2012

Location: Vientiane, Savannakhet, and Champasack province, Lao PDR

Client: Asia-Pacific Research Training Network on Trade, United Nation

Main project features:  to study procedure of export and import of garment and coffee by drawing a diagram and analyze the key problems and challenge in order to reduce the process.

Positions held: Team leader

Activities performed: developed a project proposal, collected data by interview stakeholders such as exporters, custom officers, and the likes, analysed and reported results. 

12.4 Name of project: Evaluation on Internal Ex-Post Evaluation for Project on One District One Product (ODOP) Pilot Project in Savannakhet and Saravanh Provinces

Year: March-June, 2015

Location: Savannkhet and Saravanh province, Lao PDR

Client: Japan International Cooperation Agency 

Main project features:  to evaluate ODOP project after and provide policies recommendation for the 2nd phase of ODOP project.

Positions held: Team leader 

Activities performed: collected data, analyzed and reported results to the client for revising the 2nd phase of ODOP project.

12.5 Name of projectSustainable Commercial Agriculture Production: Case Study for Commercial Banana Production in Lao PDR

Year: December 2015-May 2016

Location: Khammuan, Luang Namtha, Phonsaly, Oudomxay province, Lao PDR

Client: National Agriculture and Forestry Research Institute

Main project features:  to study commercial banana in the perspective of production, trade, economic, environment and social.

Positions held: Economist 

Activities performed: aassist team leader to develop project proposal, collected data, analyzed and reported results on cost-benefit and income of banana farmer.

12.6 Name of project: Baseline Assessment on the Level of Awareness on the ASEAN Economic Community in Lao PDR

Year: June -November 2016

Location: Vientiane Capital, Laung Prabang and Champasack province, Lao PDR

Client: Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit 

Main project features: to identify the awareness and the level of knowledge of Lao stakeholders in reference to the AEC and to informs about the most suitable channels that key Lao government stakeholders 

Positions held: Research advisor

Activities performed: lead a team to develop project proposal, collected data, analyzed and reported results of the study.

12.7 Name of project: Export and Import Performance of Laos Products

Year: January-June 2016

Location: Vientiane, Lao PDR

Client: LUNA II, United State Agency for International Development 

Main project features: to analyse performance of export and import of Lao by using comparative advantage and compare result with trading partners.

Positions held: Team leader 

Activities performed: developed a project proposal, collected data, analysed and reported results, presented result to related stakeholder for trade negotiation.

12.8 Name of project: Small and Medium Scale Irrigation Infrastructure Study 

Year: June-July 2016

Location: Vientiane, Lao PDR

Client: Asian Development Bank

Main project features:  Evaluate the irrigation projects supported by ADB fund

Positions held: Research Assistants

Activities performedassist ADB expert (Mr.Tony Zola) to collect data, analyze the economic internal rate of return on each irrigation project  

12.9 Name of project: Lao PDR Disability Assessment

Year: October-December, 2016

Location: Vientiane, Lao PDR

Client: United State Agency for International Development

Main project features:  Assess disability project supported by the USAID

Positions held: Economist 

Activities performed:  develop proposal, interviews project managers and stakeholders, visited person with disability and evaluated the project in the perspective of economist.

12.10 Name of project: Feasibility Study of Agriculture Market

Year: March 2017-April, 2018

Location: Vientiane, Lao PDR

Client: Ministry of Industry and Commerce, Lao PDR

Main project features:  evaluate the cost-benefit from the investment on Agriculture market

Positions held: Team leader

Activities performed:  develop proposal, interviews stakeholders and evaluated the project.

12.11 Name of project: Impact Evaluation of Information and Technology Agreement on Economic Sector in Lao PDR

Year: January-May, 2018

Location: Vientiane, Lao PDR

Client: United State Agency for International Development

Main project features:  evaluate the cost-benefit to support the decision of Minister 

Positions held: Team leader

Activities performed:  develop proposal, interviews stakeholders and evaluated the project

12.12 Name of project: Factors and Implications of Sustainable Commercialization of Cultivated Banana in Lao PDR 

Year: May-September, 2018

Location: Vientiane, Lao PDR

Client: National Agriculture and Forestry Research Institute, Lao PDR

Main project features:  Analyse value added of actor in the value chain, draw a value chain map, and study impact of commercialize banana on household income 

Positions held: Team leader

Activities performed:  develop proposal, interviews stakeholders, analysis, and write a report

12.13 Name of project: Impact Evaluation of Information Technology Agreement on Economic Sector of Lao PDR

Year: June-August, 2018

Location: Vientiane, Lao PDR

Client: USAID

Main project features: to adjust foreign trade policy of Laos to the ITA in order to open the market of IT products, promote new technology and encourage the investment in IT sector through the regional value chain

Positions held: Team leader

Activities performed:  develop proposal, interviews stakeholders, analysis, and write a report

12.14 Name of project: Banking Performance in Lao PDR

Year: June 2017 -October 2018

Location: Vientiane, Lao PDR

Client: Banking Institute

Main project features:  Analyse internal and external performance by using CAMELs approach

Positions held: Team leader

Activities performed:  develop proposal, interviews stakeholders, analysis, and write a report

12.15 Name of project: Financial Development in Lao PDR

Year: April, 2018

Location: Vientiane, Lao PDR

Client: JICA

Main project features:  Analyse financial sector include banking sector, microfinance, and Lao Stock Exchange

Positions held: Research assistance

Activities performed:  supporting team leader develop proposal, interviews stakeholders, analysis, and write a report

12.16 Name of project: Feasibility study of transit trade of cattle  

Year: August-September, 2018

Location: Vientiane, Lao PDR

Client: Private Company, Lao PDR

Main project features:  Analyse market, personal, structure, fund raising, financial feasibility, cost-benefit of importing of cattle to export to China

Positions held: Team leader

Activities performed:  develop proposal, interviews stakeholders, analysis, and write a report

12.17 Name of project: National IP Strategy for Lao PDR 

Year: 1 November15 December 2018

Location: Vientiane Capital

Client: World Intellectual Property Organization 

Main project features: Finalize a draft NIPS framework based on comments and inputs received, and which includes a detailed implementation plan, for consideration and implementation

by the Government of the Lao PDR.

Positions held: National consultant

Activities performed:  Study and review the existing version of the draft NIPS and the work done previously, and produce a brief report, in coordination with the International consultant

12.18 Name of project: Responsible Agricultural Investment

Year: January-March 2019

Location: Champasak, Saravan, Oudomxay and Xiengkhuang province 

Client: Village Focus International

Main project features:  Promote the responsible and sustainable agriculture investment in Lao PDR. The main focus is on the impact assessment on the land. The study covers the agriculture products such as maize, casava, coffee, eucalyptus and rubber tree.

Positions held: Assistant researcher 

Activities performed:  supporting team leader to draft proposal, interviews stakeholders and support data

12.19 Name of project: Laos-China Railway: Progress and Challenges  

Year: June-July, 2019

Location: Lao PDR

Client: Chulalongkorn University

Main project features:  Analyse pros and cons of the Laos-China Railway

Positions held: Co-Author

12.20 Name of project: Assessment of the Legal and Regulatory Frameworks on Electronic Commerce in Cambodia, Lao PDR, Myanmar and Vietnam 

Year: November 2018 - May 2019

Location: Vientiane Capital

Client: Daiwa Institute of Research

Main project features:  assess all law and regulation related to electronic commerce such as laws on online transaction, e-money and cryptocurrency, law on payment system and law on electronic data protection

Positions held: National researcher 

Activities performed: reviews all related law and regulation, interview stakeholders such as private sectors, bank of Lao PDR, ministry of industry and commerce, ministry of information and technology and the likes.

12.21 Name of project: Analysis of Income Guarantee Policy for Rice Farmer in Lao PDR

Year: April-July, 2019

Location: Xiengkhuang, Savannakhet, Khamuan province 

Client: Ministry of Industry and Commerce

Main project features:  Analyse cost of rice production and provide policy recommendation on rice

Positions held: Leader

Activities performed:  develop proposal, interviews stakeholders, analysis, and write a report

12.22 Name of project: Access to credit of farmers in Lao PDR

Year: February - December 2019

Location: Savannakhet, Khamuan, Attapue, Vientiane and Vientiane Capital

Client: National Agriculture and Forestry Research Institute, Lao PDR

Main project features:  Analyse access to finance of rice, maize and pig farmers and provide policy recommendation 

Positions held: Leader

Activities performed:  develop proposal, interviews stakeholders, analysis, and write a report

12.23 Name of project: District level interventions for a jurisdictional approach to Green and Sustainable Agriculture

Year: December 2019-April 2020

Location: Vientiane and Xiengkhuang province 

Client: Village Fund International and FAO

Main project features:  To recommend and design a set of incentives and financial mechanisms that will bring about a paradigm shift for transforming the current nature of agricultural investments in Lao PDR into green and sustainable, and thereby deforestation-free, agriculture.  

Positions held: Team member 

Activities performed: Supporting team leader to draft proposal, interviews stakeholders and support data

12.24 Name of project: ASEAN Consumer Empowerment Index (ACEI) in Vientiane Capital, Lao PDR

Year: March- April 2020

Location: Vientiane Capital

Client: Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit

Main project features:  to assess consumer empowerment index in Vientiane Capital, Lao PDR and to evaluate the consumer empowerment index in three domains and to compare the results based on demographic group.

Positions held: National researcher 

Activities performed: interviews stakeholders, analysis, and write a report.

12.25 Name of project: Feasibility Study on Climate and Disaster Risks and Insurance

Year: October-December 2020

Location: Xayabouly and Xiengkhuang province 

Client: CARE International in Lao PDR

Main project features:  Analyse feasibility to implement insurance scheme maize farmers and to provide policy recommendation to government.

Positions held: Leader

Activities performed:  develop proposal, interviews stakeholders, analysis, and write a report

12.26 Name of project: Regulation on Transit, import for reexport, Temporary Import-Export and Import-Export of Precious Goods

Year: July-September 2020

Location: Vientiane Capital, Lao PDR  

Client: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ)

Main project features:  Draft and revise two regulations for Department of Import and Export, Ministry of Industry and Commerce.

Positions held: Consultant

Activities performed:  review related law and regulation, draft, and revise regulations

12.27 Name of project: Feasibility of Agriculture Insurance in Lao PDR: Case Study on Rice and Pig farmers

Year: 2021

Location: Savannakhet, Vientiane, Champasack, and Xiengkhuang 

Client: National Agriculture and Forestry Research Institute, Lao PDR

Main project features:  Analyse the feasibility to implement insurance scheme for rice and pig farmers and to provide policy recommendations to government.

Positions held: Leader

Activities performed:  develop proposal, interviews stakeholders, analysis, and write a report

12.28 Name of project: Enhancing Systematic Land Registration Project (ESLRP)

Year: December 2020-June 2021

Location: Vientiane

Client: The World Bank

Main project features:  Preparing an economic analysis on the Enhancing Systematic Land Registration Project 

Positions held: National Consultant

Activities performed:  collect data to support the cost-benefit analysis, research, review and write summaries of different type of reports, studies.

12.29 Name of project: Bank Restructure Strategy: Lao Construction Bank Co, LTD

Year: January -July 2021

Location: Vientiane

Client: Lao Construction Bank Co, LTD

Main project features:  Develop a restructure strategy

Positions held: National Consultant

Activities performed: Analyse financial statement, analyse problem, develop a short term and medium-term plan, develop strategy 

12.30 Name of project: Ecotourism Value Chain Assessment for Laos

Year: January -May 2021

Location: Vientiane

Client: USAID

Main project features:  to access value chain of ecotourism and find the impact of Covid-19 

Positions held: National Consultant

Activities performed: Reviews previous study, value chain analysis, write report 

12.31 Name of project: Assessment of Lao PDRs LDC Graduation

Year: January -April 2022

Location: Vientiane

Client: USAID

Main project features:  to access impact of the LDC graduation on trade

Positions held: National Consultant

Activities performed: Reviews previous study, value chain analysis, write report 

12.32 Name of project: Feasibility of SMART city

Year: September 2021 to January 2023

Location: Vientiane

Client: Duangchaluen Construction Co, LTD

Main project features:  Develop a feasibility Study

Positions held: Team leader

     Activities performed: Lead team for the overall project

12.33 Name of project: Value Chain of Coffee in Lao PDR

Year: November 2022 to May 2023

Location: Champsak province

Client: USAID

Main project features:  conduct research on value chain in Champasak province.

Positions held: Team leader

     Activities performed: Provide training, develop a research proposal, draft question guidelines, analyze data and write report and policy brief. 

12.34 Name of project: Supporting Resilient and Low Carbon Agriculture Transition in Lao PDR

Year: April-May 2023

Location: Vientiane

Client: FAO

Main project features:  Supporting team leader to write the green finance section

Positions held: Financial expert.

     Activities performed: write a section of agriculture finance in Lao PDR, Key barriers to the flow of finance to resilient and sustainable agriculture, and  Entry points for financing sustainable agriculture



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