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Customers’ Satisfaction towards Service Quality of Banque Pour Le Commerce Exterieur Lao Public Vientiane Capital Branch

ຂຽນໂດຍ: ຈັນສະໄໝ ສຸລິຍະປັນຍາ

ນຳພາ: ອຈ.ປອ. ສີສົມເພັດ ຄ້ານໍເພັດ


The study of Customers’ Satisfaction towards Service Quality of Banque Pour Le Commerce Exterieur Lao Public Vientiane Capital Branch, has the objective (1) to measure the level of Customers’ Satisfaction towards Service Quality of Banque Pour Le Commerce Exterieur Lao Public Vientiane Capital Branch. (2) to compare the level of Customers’ Satisfaction towards Service Quality of Banque Pour Le Commerce Exterieur Lao Public Vientiane Capital Branch, is to use quantitative research methods using a questionnaire of 385 people, using a convenient sampling method, using primary data to analyze and explain the results by Use SPSS program to analyze statistics with frequency (Frequency) and percentage (Percentage), use the average value (Mean) and standard deviation (Standard Deviation: S.D.) use the statistic Independent samples T- test and use the statistic One- way ANOVA F- test The results of the general research found that most of the customers who come to use the service are females between 26-30 years old, their education level is a good degree, their profession is an employee of an enterprise with an average monthly income between 1,000,000 - 4,000,000 kip. Most of the customers who come to use the service give a level of satisfaction to the quality of the service in all 5 aspects. It is seen that there are 2 aspects in the highest level: the appearance of the service, followed by reliability or trust and the other 3 aspects are arranged in many levels: the aspect of giving confidence, followed by the aspect of attention to the users of the service and finally the aspect of meeting the needs. The results of the comparison of customer satisfaction by individual factors found that customers with gender, age, education level, occupation and average monthly income . There are different levels of Customers’ Satisfaction towards Service Quality of Banque Pour Le Commerce Exterieur Lao Public Vientiane Capital Branch.

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