ແຮງຈູງໃຈໃນການປະຕິບັດງານຂອງ ພະນັກງານ ລັດວິສາຫະກິດ ລາວບໍລິການສິນຄ້າຜ່ານແດນ


ຂຽນໂດຍ: ສິລິຕະນະສັກ ແກ້ວເຊກອງ

ນຳພາ: ສຈ.ປອ. ຄໍາລືຊາ ນວນສະຫວັນ

ນຳພາຮ່ວມ: ອຈ.ປທ. ຄໍາໂກ້ ຈັນທະຣັງມາ

Abstract The objectives of the study were to assess the levels of motivation at work of the employees of the public company Lao Logistics, and to compare the levels of motivation of different groups of employees according to their personal characteristics: gender, age, level of training, position, year of professional experience and salary.The data was obtained from a targeted survey of a sample of 117 employees corresponding to the entire company population. Statistical data was analyzed with SPSS: frequency and percentage were used to describe the profile of survey participants, the mean and standard deviation were used to quantify motivation levels; and for the test of variances, t-test was used in the case of 2 independent variables, and F-test (One-way ANOVA) in the case of more than 2 independent variables, when differences were found, LSD ( least significant difference tables) have been given in order to show the minimum significant difference between two means. The research result revealed that the motivation level of the employees at work was “high” in general, as well as for the motivating factors and for the maintaining factors. Factors that make employee motivation at work "very high" are job achievement, followed by responsibilities, peer relationships, workplace safety, company policy and administration, and content work. The level of work motivation was "high" for the remaining factors: work environment, recognition, salary, relationship with supervisor, organizational growth, and career advancement. Variance tests to compare levels of work motivation within groups of different personal characteristics revealed that (1) employees with different levels of education have different levels of motivation on 2 aspects: "Career progression" and "Salary", (2 ) Employees with different incomes have different levels of motivation on the aspect of "recognition"; while the difference in sex, age, position and professional experience does not lead to a difference in the motivation levels within group.

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