ອຈ.ປທ.ນ. ພອນເພັດ ມີແພງລາວັນ



Curriculum Vitae

  1. General Information
  • Name: Phonephet MIPHENGLAVAN
  • Date of birth 12 September 1969
  • Address : Nongphanha, Xaythany District, Vientiane Capital.
  • Office address: Dokdok Campus, PO box 7322. The Faculty of Economics and Business Management (FEB) National University of Laos.
  • Email address : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  • Phone: 856-20-23694615
  • Telephone +(856) 21-770067, Fax: +(856) 720 160, Mobile:  +(856) 2241 3322
  • E-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.      


  1. Education:
  • Master in Business Administration (in Marketing ) – July 2003 Kasetsart University, Thailand
  • Bachelor in Political Economics – July 1992, Hanoi Pedagogical University No1, Viet nam.
  1. Teaching Courses:
  • Principle of marketing (Bachelor’s program)
  • Marketing management (Bachelor’s program)
  • International marketing (Bachelor’s program)
  • Strategy Management (Bachelor’s program)
  • Promotion and Advertising Management (Bachelor’s and Master’s program)
  • Public Relation (Bachelor’s program)
  • Research Methodology (Bachelor’s program)
  1. Research Interest:
  • Marketing Orientation and SMEs Growth
  • Customer Satisfaction toward the Service.
  • Behavior and Factor Influencing Customer’s
  • Promotion mix Affecting Decision of Customer’s
  • Adjustment for the Survival of SMEs .
  • Influencer Factor influence Decision making.
  • Entrepreneurial Traits of Business Student’s
  1. Published Textbooks:
  • Principle of marketing (in Lao), FEBM (2010)
  • Marketing management (in Lao), FEBM (2010).
  • International Marketing (in Lao), FEBM (2011).
  • Strategy Management (in Lao), FEBM.(2021).
  • Public Relation (in Lao), FEBM.(2021).
  1. Trainings and Workshops:
  • Attended a training Teaching methods of Economics Thammasart University , Thailand,1997.
  • Training on Writing Introduction of  Economics curriculum at Thammasart University , Thailand,1998.
  • Attended a training creative curriculum teaching –learning for Economics Writing Political and Public Administration Institute, 1999.
  • Traning on curriculum teaching–learning stye for Master’s degree at National Economics University,
  • Traning on curriculum evaiuation and teaching –learning stye for Master’s degree between National University of Laos and National Economics University,
  • Traning on Use Budget accounting system and through regulation Finance , 2013
  • Training on Writing self-assessment Report (SAR) and Creating student assessm guie for the Facuity of Economics and Business Management.
  • Empowering Women Enterpreneurs and Protection of Women’s Business ,28 February to 01 March 2023.
  • Geder Equality and Social Inclusion Workshop ,24-26 Junuary 2023 in Loungprabang.
  • Geder Equality and Social Inclusion Workshop ,31 Junuary to 02 February 2023 in Savanhnsket.
  1. Previous thesis topic:
  • The Staff’s Opinion on Leadership of Exclusive managers of the National University of Laos, 2015
  • Attitude toward Humman Resource Management in President Office of National University of laos,2016.
  • Factor Influencing Non-Performing Loans of Agriculture Bank, 2016.
  • Factors of Customer Relationship Managing Affecting customer’s Loyalty of BCEL Bank, 2019
  • Behavior and Factors Affecting toward Customer’s Loyalty of Sports View Restaurant 2020.
  • Promotion Mix Affecting Decision of Customers in Vientian Capital Towards Selecting Pre-paid Mobile phone Sevice of Lao Telecommunication Public Company. 2022
  1. Language and Computing Skills:
  • Lao: Mother tongue
  • Thai: Excellent
  • Vietnamess: Excellent
  • English: Good
  • Microsoft Excel, Power Point, Word: Good


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