- ລະດບັ ການສຶກສາ:
- ປະລິນຍາເອກ:ການບ˚ລິຫານທຸລະກິດ
- ຈບົ ປະລິນຍາໂທ:ບ˚ລິຫານທຸລະກິດ (ຍຸດທະສາດທາງການເງິນ)ຈບົ ປະລນຍາຕ:ີິ ວິສະວະກາ˚ ໄຟຟ້າສື່ ສານ ແລະ ການບລຫິ˚ ານທລະຸ ກດິ ລະຫວື່າງປະເທດ
- ການສຶກສາດ້ານການບນັ ຊີ:ທື່ ີປກສາບນຶ ັ ຊີ ລນຸ້ 6, CPA Australia 2010
- ຕາ˚ ແໜື່ງສາຍລດັ :ຮອງຫວົ ໜ້າພາກວິຊາການບນັ ຊີ
- ສະຖານທື່ີເຮັດວຽກ: ຄະນະເສດຖະສາດ ແລະ ບ˚ລິຫານທຸລະກິດ
- ວິຊາທື່ີສອນ.
- ພາສາອງັ ກດສາິ ˚ ລບັ ນກັ ບນັ ຊີ
- ວິທີການຄນ້ົ ຄວ້າວິທະຍາສາດແລະ ສະຖຕຕສາິິ ˚
- ການລາຍງານການເງິນ
- ການກວດສອບ ແລະ ຄວບຄຸມພາຍໃນ
ຄ້ວາທື່ ີຜື່ານມາ ແລະ ປະຈຸບນັ .
- Corporate Financing and Performance of SMEs: The Moderating Effects of Ownership Types and Management Styles. Malaysian Management Review, 42, No. 2 (July- December), pp. 119-133.
- Financial Performance of Founder-Managed and Professionally Managed Firms: An Empirical Analysis of Lao Trading The Journal of International Development and
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- Management Style as Moderator of the Relationship between Small Firm Financing and Performance: An Application to Lao Trading Firms. Globsyn Management Journal, Vol. 2, No. 1, pp. 1-9.
- Inter-firm Cooperation and Firm performance: An Empirical Study of Lao Garment Industry International Journal of Business and Management, Vol. 4, No. 5, pp. 3-17.
- The Impact of Innovation on Export Behavior: An Empirical Analysis of Lao Garment Firms. China-USA Business Review, Vol. 8, No. 6, pp. 30-37.
- Determinants of Subcontracting in Lao Garment Contemporary
Management Research, Vol. 5, No. 3, pp. 273-286.
- Innovation, Export Performance and Profitability of Lao Garment
International Journal of Economics and Management, Vol. 3, No. 2, pp. 225-236.
- Determinants of Subcontracting and Firm Performance: Evidence from Lao Garment Industry Asia Pacific Management Review, Vol. 15, No. 1, pp. 97-112.
- Family Business Lao Academic Journal, Vol. 12, No. 2, pp. 13-28.
- SMEs and Financial Performance in Lao PDR: A Case of Lao Trading Proceeding Paper in FEBM-JICA Conference: Vientiane, Lao PDR, August 17, 2007.
- Management Style as Moderator of the Relationship between Small Firm Financing and Performance: An Application to Lao Trading Firms. Proceeding Paper in 3rd UNITEN International Business Management Conference: Melaka, Malaysia, December 16-18, 2007.
- Family Business Performance: An Empirical Analysis of Lao Trading SMEs. Proceeding Paper in International Conference on Global Research in Business and Economics: Bangkok, Thailand, December 27-29, 2007.
- Impact of Inter-firm Cooperation on Performance: The Case of Garment Industry Cluster in Vientiane Capital City, Lao PDR. Proceeding Paper in International Conference on Asian Regional Policy: Takasaki City University of Economic. Takasaki City, Japan March 5, 2008.
- Determinants of Subcontracting in Lao Garment Proceeding Paper in International Conference on Business and Information: Seoul, South Korea, July 7-9, 2008.
- On the Relationship Between Innovation and Export Behavior: An Empirical Investigation of Lao Garment Firms. Proceeding paper in The 11th International Convention of the East Asian Economic Association (EAEA11): Manila, Philippines, November 15-16, 2008.
- Explaining Determinants of Product and Process Innovations in Low-Tech Industry: Evidence from Lao Garment Industry. Proceeding paper in 19th Japan Society for International Development Conference: Hiroshima Shudo University, Hiroshima City, Japan, November 22-23, 2008.
- The Role of the Government Policy on Industrial Development in Lao PDR: The Case of Garment Industry. Proceeding Paper in the 5th International Symposium on Asian Regional Policy: Takasaki City University of Economic. Takasaki City, Japan October 23, 2009.
- The Development of Logistics in Lao Proceeding Paper in International Conference on the Innovative Logistics Management: Bremen, Germany, November 24, 2014.
- Liberalization of Accounting Professional Service through Mutual Recognition
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- Financial Proceeding Paper in Structure Features of Financial Development in 10 ASEAN Countries. Beijing, China: 5-8, April, 2017.
- The Impact of Management Accounting toward Firm Working
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- The Benefits of Railway Vientiane-Kunming. Research Paper, National
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- ການສຶກສາຄວາມເປັນໄປໄດ້ໃນການຜະລິດຜ້າໃໝຄບົ ວງົ ຈອນຢື່ແຂວງຊຽງຂວາງ ແລະ ແຂວງຫົວພັນ. ແຜນພັດທະນາເສດຖະກິດສງັ ຄມົ ແຫື່ງຊາດ ສະບບັທີ 7: 2011-2015.
- ການສຶກສາຄວາມເປັນໄປໄດ້ຂອງຂະແໜງຕດັ ຫຍິບໃນການຫັດເປັນອຸດສາຫະກາ˚ແລະ ທັນ